This Guy is One of a Kind

This Guy is One of a Kind

For nearly 37 years, Guy Adam has been a fixture working behind the scenes at Forest View Racquet & Fitness Club in Arlington Heights. As the loyal custodian, he would arrive as early as 3 a.m. to clean the courts and locker rooms, make sure all of the equipment...
Fly Me to the Moon

Fly Me to the Moon

The stars aligned last week for students in the symphonic band at Schaumburg High School. That’s because an SHS alumna — the daughter of longtime Schaumburg Mayor Al Larson, who played clarinet in the band — paid them a visit to describe her role...
A Saint Raymond Graduate Returns Home

A Saint Raymond Graduate Returns Home

Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, a Viatorian religious brother, typically works behind the scenes advancing social justice, but last month he was one of the main draws, when St. Raymond’s Parish in Mount Prospect hosted an evening dedicated to “Supporting Young...
A Shout-Out from the First Lady

A Shout-Out from the First Lady

Not only was it exhilarating enough for Kate Foley to be invited by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden to be her guest at Tuesday’s State of the Union address, but now the Rolling Meadows sophomore is drawing national attention.   Thank you for taking my call, Kate!...