Deb Whisler of Arlington Heights can remember the exact moment when she knew she wanted to help young readers through introducing them to her dog.

Certified handler Deb Whisler with Gracie (photos by Stephanie Battista)
“I was inspired to become a pet therapy volunteer many years ago, when I took a photo in Kids’ World of a young girl in a wheelchair reading to a dog with her Rainbow handler,” Whisler says. “The girl’s mother and I met eyes when she was brushing away tears, and that was it for me. I knew I wanted to volunteer with my dog at the library some day.”
Well, that day has come. Whisler and her dog, Gracie, were one of three certified dog and handler teams to be officially added to the Arlington Heights Memorial Library’s volunteer program. The others include Finn, a 2-year old mini-cockapoo owned by Andrea Schreiber and Bo, a 6-year old yellow Lab owned by Terri McDonnell. Both were trained by Alliance of Therapy Dogs, and yet all three bring different personalities to their roles.
“People initially gravitate to him because of his size,” Schreiber says of her mini-cockapoo, Finn. “Kids and adults alike feel he’s less intimidating overall. He’s also a lot more active than a typical therapy dog.”

High school students enjoy visiting with Finn in the library’s HUB.
Jennifer Begich is the volunteer coordinator at the library. She says the library is in the early stages of incorporating therapy dogs into library operations.
“Therapy dogs are specially trained to provide comfort, affection and support,” she says. “Engaging with therapy dogs can have a calming effect, and help to reduce stress.”
Whisler has seen the effect firsthand, but not right away. After she retired from the library’s communications department after 27 years, she set out to become certified by the same organization that had certified the dog and handler that she had first seen, Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy, based in Morton Grove.
“I knew Gracie’s alert yet gentle temperament was well suited for this role,” Whisler says. “She is a calm and wonderful listener for beginner readers.”
Together, Whisler and her now 9-year old collie, Gracie, passed the animal assisted therapy course before completing an internship with an experienced team.

Gracie on her graduation day at Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy
“Our first Rainbow assignment was to participate with middle school students at the Compass Outpatient Mental Health Center in Northbrook,” Whisler says. “We also volunteered at Read to the Dog sessions at Park Ridge, Morton Grove, Glenview and Elk Grove libraries, in addition to Arlington Heights.”
Library officials say pets and their handlers have volunteered in early learning initiatives in Kids World, partnering with the same Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy organization to bring in the teams. But now, they are broadening their roles, bringing them into the Finals’ Study Lounge for high schoolers to ease their stress, and featuring them at library staff social events.
“Our therapy dog volunteers have been well-received by staff and customers alike,” Begich says. “On their first official day of volunteering, we take the dogs to visit staff departments. Time and time again, staff comment that these visits make their day. It is heartwarming to see their smiles and hear their laughter.”
These new volunteer teams are featured on the cover of the library’s February newsletter, where their impact on patrons, well, speaks for itself.