For the last several years, before the start of the Chicago Marathon, Fr. John Eustice, a Viatorian priest, huddled together with members of TEAM SALUTE, for a pre-race prayer. Increasingly, the group is more than a huddle. At the last marathon in Chicago, 170 runners made up the charity team.

Fr. John Eustice with Mary Beth Beiersorf, Executive Director of SALUTE
“Fr. John started running with TEAM SALUTE as a charity athlete in 2019, training and raising funds for injured veterans and active duty members and their families,” says Mary Beth Beiersdorf, Executive Director of SALUTE. “He has been our inspiration, offering the morning prayer the day of the marathon.”
In all, Fr. John has run six successive Chicago marathons with the SALUTE team, but last weekend, he broke the mold, opting to venture out and run the Louisiana Marathon in Baton Rouge.
He took advantage of the Martin Luther King holiday weekend, which offered him an extra day off from school. Last summer, he returned to Saint Viator High School — after his ordination in June — where he now serves as director of Campus Ministry and chaplain for the school.
He also escaped the frigid temperatures for the weekend, trading them instead for the mild, 60-degree days in Baton Rouge. The scenic route took him and the nearly 7,000 other runners from downtown Baton Rouge through the University Lakes, the LSU campus and through historic river town neighborhoods.
“I took some time to get to know the city and its history, and enjoy the people and food,” Fr. John says. “And I attended Mass at LSU’s Christ the King Church.”

Fr. John at the start of the Louisiana Marathon
Now, with seven marathons under his belt and two more that he is registered for this year, Fr. John is feeling like the sky’s the limit, but he has some big shoes to fill.
“Two years ago I thought my running days were wrapping up,” he ways. “I went to the expo for the Chicago Marathon and felt like this would be my last one. When I was at the start line, my feeling was affirmed. But then when I crossed the finish line, and not with a personal record, I thought, ‘I have another one in me.’ ”
He points to his inspiration: Fr. Dan Hall, another Viatorian priest who taught social studies at Saint Viator and also coached football and wrestling. Back in 2015, he completed his goal of running 50 marathons after turning 50. He eventually ran 53 marathons.
“In fact, he is the first one I texted when I finished,” Fr. John says. “I’m not sure I’ll run 53, but who knows?”
Fr. John typically runs in the afternoons, after the end of the school day, and does his long runs on the weekends. It helps him clear his head, he says, and work out any stress from the day.
“I love running outdoors in God’s natural world,” Fr. John says. “The running community is one of the most supportive and encouraging group of athletes. For me, it’s a great way to connect with others and engage in a challenge.”