Imagine what you could do with 1,000 boxes of cereal! Toppling them like dominoes through the hallways of a school might not come to mind, but that’s exactly what happened.

(Photos courtesy of District 214)

The chance to build this domino run inspired students with Hersey High School’s Service Over Self Club and Indian Grove Elementary School in Mount Prospect. If together they could collect 1,000 boxes of cereal for area food pantries, they would build this trail of boxes and watch them topple through the hallways.

It all took place Wednesday, when 16 members of Hersey’s S.O.S. Club made a special visit to Indian Grove to culminate the cereal box domino challenge. Students lined up the 1,000 donated cereal boxes through the hallways, creating an exciting path of dominoes.

The student body gathered to witness this impressive display of teamwork and generosity, celebrating the spirit of giving back to the community.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Indian Grove Elementary School for this impactful project,” said Cameron Donner, a senior and leader of Hersey’s S.O.S. Club. “By coming together as a community, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing food insecurity.

Members of Hersey’s Service Over Self Club

“This event not only raises awareness about the importance of giving back,” he added, “but also fosters a sense of unity and compassion among students and residents of Hersey and Indian Grove.”

Members of Hersey’s SOS Club and Indian Grove’s Grover Community Service Group coordinated the area-wide collection. The drives drew the generosity of students, faculty and community members. The cereal boxes now will be distributed to Journey’s The Road Home in Palatine, Northwest Compass, Inc. in Mount Prospect and the Mount Prospect Village Food Pantry.

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